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Some of my favorite recipes...


One of the best ways to get the most use out of your oils is to use them in recipes!  The following recipes are my personal favorites.  If you haven't had experience making recipes using essential oils, I strongly suggest you look for a "Make and Take" class near you.  They're pretty good at showing you how to keep it easy and less messy.  And, making stuff with others is always more fun than by yourself.  Especially if it's in someone else's house (no mess for you!).


Combat the stink with this recipe that actually works for both men and women! A little note, this is not an antiperspirant, therefore, you will sweat when you overheat (your body is supposed to do that). Also, some who switch to an all-natural product experience a detox phase that may last 1-2 weeks. Some may experience a nonirritating rash or severe body odor while the body rids itself of toxins. My husband and I did not experience this phase, but it is suggested that if you do, that you wait it out for the week or so before you pass judgement on the recipe.


  • Deodorant Container (can be found here, or recycle your old one)

  • 2 Tablespoons beeswax (found here)

  • 3 Tablespoons mango butter (found here)

  • 3 Tablespoons arrowroot powder (found here)

  • 1 Tablespoon baking soda (found here, but cheaper at the grocery store)

  • 1 Tablespoon bentonite clay (found here)

  • 4 drops Tea Tree essential oil

  • 5 drops Purification essential oil blend

  • 4 drops Abundance essential oil blend


  1. Melt beeswax and mango butter in double boiler.

  2. Combine dry ingredients in separate glass bowl.

  3. Add melted ingredients to dry ingredients and add in essential oils. Stir until creamy.

  4. Pour in deodorant container, allow to harden (can put in refrigerator for a few minutes).

**Special note: due to the properties of bentonite clay, you do not want to use a metal utensil to stir this recipe. I use the plastic measuring spoon to save on clean up.

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