Laundry Tabs
It took me about 15 minutes and cost about $18.00 in supplies to whip up the 6 month supply of laundry tabs. Just pop one or two in your washing machine (less for smaller loads) and let them get your clothes good and clean! And yes, this recipe is okay in HE machines. My favorite essential oils to add are lavender, lemongrass, purification, peppermint, and thieves (not all at the same time, though)! 2-3 Week Supply (yields 20ish tabs) Ingredients
1 Tbsp grated bar soap (like this stuff)
6 Tbsp Borax (like this stuff)
4 1/2 Tbsp washing soda (like this stuff)
1 1/3 Tbsp baking soda (like this stuff)
9 Tbsp Oxiclean (like this stuff)
12-15 drops essential oils
Spray bottle with white vinegar
6 Month Supply (yields 180ish tabs) Ingredients
1 grated bar soap
3 cups Borax
2 1/4 cups washing soda
2/3 cup baking soda
4 1/2 cups Oxiclean
1 tsp essential oils
Spray bottle with white vinegar
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, use whisk to mix thoroughly. Or a food processor, if you're fancy.
Spray vinegar into mixture until it gains the consistency of wet sand. I spray a few times, then mix with my hand to see if I can form clumps. If not, I spray more until I can clump the detergent without them crumbling apart too much.
Scoop out detergent 1 Tablespoon at a time and place in a silicone mold. I bought one for mini brownies from Amazon, but you could use any shape you wanted. Maybe one day I'll get crazy and do laundry with dinosaurs.
Pack detergent in to the mold tightly, then allow to dry (out of reach of children and pets) overnight (10-12 hours).
Pop them out the next day and store them in an airtight container (avoiding oil evaporation) near your washer and dryer ready for use!