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Some of my favorite recipes...


One of the best ways to get the most use out of your oils is to use them in recipes!  The following recipes are my personal favorites.  If you haven't had experience making recipes using essential oils, I strongly suggest you look for a "Make and Take" class near you.  They're pretty good at showing you how to keep it easy and less messy.  And, making stuff with others is always more fun than by yourself.  Especially if it's in someone else's house (no mess for you!).

Sniffles and Sneezes


This combo has been a lifesaver during this past spring season as the pollen counts hit record highs! I apply this recipe behind the ears, and on the pulse points on the neck and wrists as needed.

::Method One::


  • 4 drops lavender

  • 4 drops tea tree

  • 3 drops peppermint

  • 2 drops cedarwood

  • 2 drops lemon

  • 2 tsp grapeseed oil (available at your grocery store or Costco where the cooking oils are located)


  1. Combine all ingredients in a 10 mL roller bottle (like these ones)

  2. Shake to combine.

::Method Two::


  • 1/4 cup base butter

  • 8 drops lavender

  • 8 drops tea tree

  • 5 drops peppermint

  • 5 drops cedarwood

  • 4 drops lemon


  1. Melt base butter in double boiler. Add essential oils.

  2. Place in freezer for 5-10 minutes, or until it begins to solidify.

  3. Scoop mixture into stand mixer and using whisk attachment, whip mixture at highest speed until it has a smooth, buttery-like texture.

  4. Store in a small glass jar (like these ones)

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