Body Butter

This recipe serves as the base for all my butter recipes and would be appropriate for face, hands, and body. I try to keep a jar on hand, then scoop out what I need for a specific recipe, remelt, then add in essential oils and store in a small glass jar. It makes about 12 ounces of body butter.
Melt all ingredients in a double boiler. Since I don't have one, I fill up a pot with about an inch of water and place my heat-safe measuring cup inside. I then place all ingredients in the measuring cup and keep the heat on med/low to avoid overheating and boiling.
Place mixture in the freezer until nearly solid. For me, this batch took about 45 minutes to start to solidify. I would advise checking about every 15 minutes. It does not need to be completely solid, just mostly so.
Scoop mixture into stand mixer and using whisk attachment, whip mixture at highest speed setting until it has a smooth, buttery-like texture.
Scoop into a glass container and store in a dark, cool place until ready to use.