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Some of my favorite recipes...


One of the best ways to get the most use out of your oils is to use them in recipes!  The following recipes are my personal favorites.  If you haven't had experience making recipes using essential oils, I strongly suggest you look for a "Make and Take" class near you.  They're pretty good at showing you how to keep it easy and less messy.  And, making stuff with others is always more fun than by yourself.  Especially if it's in someone else's house (no mess for you!).

Lip Balm


Makes about 10 5-gram size pot jars. The little lady made these for her school "Market Day" project and sold out right away!!


  • 1 Tablespoon beeswax

  • 1 Tablespoon shea butter

  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil

  • 10-20 drops essential oils

  • 5-gram pot jars (like these ones)


  1. Open up at least 10 jars and have them ready (this recipe sets up fast!)

  2. Melt beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil, and honey in a double boiler. I start with beeswax and let it melt about half way, then add in shea butter till it mostly melts, then add in the coconut. Stir well.

  3. Add in essential oils. My favorite combination so far is equal parts lemon and lavender, but others use peppermint, thieves, citrus fresh, and a myriad of other combinations that you can experiment your little heart out with. **A note about citrus oils, they increase sun sensitivity, so these are not good ones to use in your beach bag. Go for non-citrus on sunshine-y days.**

  4. Pour into pot jars, and allow to set up (takes a few seconds up to maybe a couple minutes).

Another little note...these jars are awesome for sharing essential oils with others. I use them to give away my samples of whatever oils someone is interested in trying. In general, they hold about a tsp of body butter, then I add in 1-2 drops of essential oil and stir with a toothpick.

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